Wednesday, October 12, 2011

First days of work.

Well after that little delay, I did make it to work the past two days. The drive there isn't actually that bad--the traffic is less crazy than it was in Jakarta and an auto rickshaw is by no means the smallest or slowest thing on the road--motorcycles, bikes, cows...The office is definitely a change from Seattle. Everyone clears out by 530pm, which is really refreshing! But I am going to miss my ergonomic office chair. No, but really, the people are all very friendly, my boss is nice, and I am excited about the project I'm working on. We are trying to estimate child and adult mortality at the district level in India. I have a lot to learn since this will use methods and a statistics programming language that I'm not familiar with, but I think being busy will help with my transition. Annnnd, I get lunch for $1 every day!


  1. So sorry to hear about the vomiting - you otherwise seem to be doing really well!! Have you met anyone else your age? Photos of the room? I miss you too!!

  2. ooooh you should get a giant bouncy ball to sit on. it's fun and functional. and your core will be very happy and strong.
